Light and Salt 18- Elekwachi Chukwudi Champion


Light and Salt 18- Elekwachi Chukwudi Champion

Elekwachi Chukwudi Champion anchoring Light and Salt


Allowing them to slap you and turning the next cheek for another slap is Christianity. Not allowing them to slap you at all is wisdom.

The bible says that wisdom is profitable to direct!

To achieve these👆above, you must:

  1. Walk and work with people of like mindedness.

  2. Be sensitive to discussions that might turn violent and withdraw immediately.

  3. Check actions that might stir to wrath.

  4. Avoid jealous and envious fellows.

  5. Always be in the spirit.

Did you read: Light and Salt 17- Elekwachi Chukwudi

©Elekwachi Champion

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